RSF spring-block simulations
In this tutorial, we’ll run a series of spring-block (1D fault) simulations with the classical rate-and-state friction framework. The corresponding Jupyter Notebook file is found in examples/notebooks/CNS_spring-block.ipynb
. We start by importing the necessary libraries:
# Make plots interactive in the notebook
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
# Add QDYN source directory to PATH
# Go up in the directory tree
upup = [os.pardir]*2
qdyn_dir = os.path.join(*upup)
# Get QDYN src directory
src_dir = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), qdyn_dir), "src")
# Append src directory to Python path
# Import QDYN wrapper
from pyqdyn import qdyn
The simulation parameters are accessible after instantiation of the QDYN class as a Python dictionary object. We first define a number of global simulation parameters:
# Instantiate the QDYN class object
p = qdyn()
# Get the settings dict
set_dict = p.set_dict
# Global simulation parameters
set_dict["MESHDIM"] = 0 # Simulation dimensionality (spring-block)
set_dict["TMAX"] = 300 # Maximum simulation time [s]
set_dict["NTOUT"] = 100 # Save output every N steps
set_dict["V_PL"] = 1e-5 # Load-point velocity [m/s]
set_dict["MU"] = 2e9 # Shear modulus [Pa]
set_dict["SIGMA"] = 5e6 # Effective normal stress [Pa]
set_dict["ACC"] = 1e-7 # Solver accuracy
set_dict["SOLVER"] = 2 # Solver type (Runge-Kutta)
# To switch to rate-and-state friction ("RSF")
set_dict["FRICTION_MODEL"] = "RSF"
We then overwrite the default values of specific rheological parameters:
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["RNS_LAW"] = 0 # Classical rate-and-state
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["THETA_LAW"] = 1 # Ageing law
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["A"] = 0.01 # Direct effect parameter [-]
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["B"] = 0.015 # Evolution effect parameters [-]
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["DC"] = 1e-5 # Characteristic slip distance [m]
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["V_SS"] = set_dict["V_PL"] # Reference velocity [m/s]
# Initial slip velocity [m/s]
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["V_0"] = 1.01 * set_dict["V_PL"]
# Initial state [s]
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["TH_0"] = set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["DC"] / set_dict["V_PL"]
Lastly, we pass the settings to the QDYN wrapper, generate the mesh (only 1 element) and write the
input file:
The p.write()
command writes a
file to the current working directory, which is read by QDYN at the start of the simulation. To do this, call
. Note that in this notebook, the screen output (stdout
) is captured by the console, so you won’t see any output here.
The simulation output is read and processed by the wrapper using:
The simulation time series output is then stored as a pandas DataFrame
in p.ot
. To see the behaviour of our spring-block fault, we can plot the time series of (normalised) shear stress, porosity, and slip velocity:
# Normalised shear stress
plt.plot(p.ot[0]["t"], p.ot[0]["tau"] / set_dict["SIGMA"])
plt.ylabel(r"$\tau / \sigma$ [-]")
# State
plt.plot(p.ot[0]["t"], p.ot[0]["theta"])
plt.ylabel(r"$\theta$ [s]")
# Velocity
plt.plot(p.ot[0]["t"], p.ot[0]["v"])
plt.ylabel(r"$v$ [m/s]")
plt.xlabel("time [s]")