QDYN Documentation

Getting started


Downloading QDYN

QDYN is hosted on GitHub. To download for the first time the stable version of QDYN, execute the following git command:

git clone https://github.com/ydluo/qdyn qdyn-read-only

This creates a directory qdyn-read-only which contains the whole QDYN package. You can create a directory with a different name. The code contained by the master branch (default) is tested and stable, but other development branches may be available. Consult the GitHub repository for the availability of development code.

Installing QDYN

  1. Navigate to the src directory
  2. Modify the section “User Settings” of the Makefile following the instructions and examples therein:
    • In section 1, set the variable EXEC_PATH = [target path to your executable file]. If you set the default value (recommended) the executable file qdyn is placed in the src directory. If you change this variable, you must set the EXEC_PATH input variable accordingly when calling qdyn from the wrappers (qdyn.m or pyqdyn.py).
    • In section 2, adjust your Fortran compiler settings: set the variables F90 = [your compiler], OPT = [your compiler optimization flags] and PREPROC = [your compiler preprocessing flags]. Settings for several commonly used compilers are provided. Note that the specific optimization flags need to be set to enable parallelization through OpenMP.
  3. Set the parameters in the section “User Settings” of constants.f90 following the instructions therein
  4. Run make

Keeping QDYN up-to-date

After the first-time checkout you can update the QDYN package by executing the following command in your QDYN directory:

git pull origin master

Git automatically detects conflicts and attempts to resolve them. In case of unresolvable conflicts you have to fix them manually following the instructions in the GitHub help pages.

Additional notes for Windows 10 users

As of 2017, Windows 10 officially supports a bash command line environment by installing a Linux subsystem (as of writing, Ubuntu and OpenSUSE are currently offered in the Windows Store). Within a subsystem, Unix-compiled executables can be run natively, and the user has access to the Canonical software repository (apt-get install [package]). Running QDYN in a Linux subsystem is done as follows:

  1. Install your preferred Linux subsystem, see this instruction page

  2. Install make, gfortran, and Open MPI as:
     sudo apt-get install make gfortran libopenmpi-dev
  3. Download QDYN as instructed above. Note that Windows does not have access to the Linux file system, so in order to exchange files between the subsystem and Windows, it is recommended to download QDYN to (and run simulations from) a local Windows directory (e.g. C:\Users\bob\qdyn). The Windows file system can be accessed in the Linux subsystem as: cd /mnt/c/Users/bob/qdyn

  4. Navigate to the QDYN src directory and compile QDYN as described above

  5. In the case that the required Python or command line MATLAB/Octave packages are installed on the Linux subsystem, QDYN can be called directly from a wrapper. If none of these software packages are available, generate a qdyn.in file in Windows (through a wrapper), navigate within the subsystem to the location of qdyn.in (e.g. cd /mnt/c/Users/bob/test_simulation) and run: /mnt/c/Users/bob/qdyn/src/qdyn

  6. QDYN should now be running within the Linux subsystem, creating output files in C:\Users\bob\test_simulation that can be accessed by Windows for further processing.

  7. The Python wrapper (pyqdyn.py) also has built-in functionalities to call the subsystem directly from a Windows 10 environment. In order to set-up and run QDYN simulations from the Python wrapper, set qdyn.W10_bash = True. When doing so, the wrapper will automatically switch between the Windows and Linux environments.